Saturday, October 10, 2009


For quite some time now, I have shunned the idea of blogging, even though it has for the past few years been all the rage. Yes, social networking has forever changed our world and mediums such as twitter, facebook and blogs have led the charge. For me, blogging always seemed kind of opportunistic, self-serving and without great purpose. Until now. It's not that I suddenly have something relevant to write about, rather I wish to conduct a social experiment. Allow me to explain....

Most people who know me are familiar with my line of work ( I run a restaurant) for a local company that serves great gourmet pizzas, wine, salads, etc. Everyday I interact with hundreds (literally)\ of people as they go about their business and do what people do; eat. Observing their behavior has for some time, been a secret enjoyment for me, and in short, nothing pleases me more than being able to "wow" someone or deliver exceptional service. Like everyone, sometimes days are good, sometimes not so good , but for the most part I enjoy what I do.

Since I enjoy this aspect of my work so well, a large portion of this blog will be dedicated to chronicling events that happen throughout the course of the day. Little things that are done by myself, perhaps my staff that somehow make a difference in the daily lives of our guests. The goal for me personally is to do ONE thing each day that positively impacts some one's experience. I believe customer service is a dying art and people nowadays do not care to give great service and customers are all to willing accept poor service.

Secondly, I hope to gain insight from people who (hopefully) read the blog and have had good/bad dining or customer service experiences. Your comments are encouraged.

Lastly, I get bored easy and I want to try something new. I recently read Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential which is an autobiography on his life working in the industry (highly reccomend) and I found it to be inspiring to some degree: that guy is legit and is not afraid to tell it as it is. My path is a little less abrasive, and I strive to seek out mostly the good that comes with eating out. The part that so many of you take for granted. So why the name you ask? I can't remember when I began using that phrase but I say it alot, especially when interviewing potential employees. In my head it sounds good, it means something. At the core root of it all we do, my hope is that each and every day, we strive to be the best we can. It's not hard, it's not rocket science, it's pizza. I hope you understand. Bon appetite!


  1. Bri - this is really neat. You have probably heard me say this before, but there were times that I did not enjoy my 5 years of pounding the floor at the Twin Oaks, But those 5 years taught me so much about life and people. I am forever critical of the service given when I dine out so you can expect comments from me (frequently).


  2. "customers are all to willing accept poor service." I don't know anyone who is like that.......
